About Us
Airborne Product Support (APS) is a Jeddah based Saudi company established in January 1990's with related offices and facilities in the United Kingdom and the USA.
APS is a value added logistics support provider with services customized to our customer requirements. We have extensive experience in aircraft materials and related services. We recognize that, whether military or civil, our customer’s paramount requirement is that their aircraft remain operational and mission capable whilst maintaining safety at all times. Over the years the company has established a vast network of suppliers and repairers with a proven track record in the prompt and cost effective supply of high quality products and services.

Long-term support contracts have been held covering spare parts for aircraft as well as for ground equipment support activities. Organizing and total control monitoring of the repair and overhaul are important aspects of these services. Clients include both military and commercial organizations.
APS has both the expertise and specialized manpower with the ability to resolve AOG situations and other critical requirements for any type of aircraft.
As a complement to our supply chain management expertise and services, APS can provide all the support associated with the logistics and sale of excess inventory, including the operation of warehouse facilities and the provision of inventory management services.

We are prepared and ready to provide our value added services to an increasing number of customers. We look forward to new opportunities.
The Company specializes in the sale

 Aircraft Braking Components  Fuel Services  Mechanical Equipment
 Aircraft Staging  Ground Support Equipment  Paint & Coatings
 Airframe Components  Hose Assemblies  Power Units (Ground)
 Avionics  Hydraulics  Servicing Trolleys
 Electrical Equipment  Instrumentation & Displays  Structural Components
 Engine Spares  Jacks  Tube Assemblies
 Fasteners & Hardware  Landing Gear  Valves & Pumps

Company's management

The Company's management has worldwide contracting experience and are backed by a dedicated team operating in a well structured and professional business environment.